- (HB 117) Disclosure of Jeffery Epstein Grand Jury Testimony:
Made the Epstein Grand Jury Case files public. - (HB 135) Voter Registration Applications
Corrected a technical glitch at DMV that changed voter registrations to NPA if customers did not mark a political party when renewing their license. Countless voter registrations were altered before this bill. - (HB 165) Sampling of Beach Waters and Public Bathing Spaces (Will be brought back to session in 2025)
Requires beaches to post signage, notify the public/media, close beaches, and sample waters within 24 of discovering water contaminated with wastewater or other pollutants. - (HR 9C) State of Israel
Florida stands with the State of Israel with support from the Legislature and Governor against Hamas and other terror organizations from imminent destruction and death to American citizens and allies. - (HB 1597) Florida Virtual School
Allows military families who get transferred to bases out of state to take Florida standardized assessments while away from their FL based homes at proctored locations within their respective bases. - (HB 1123) Commercial Service Airport Transparency and Accountability
Raises spending thresholds under which commercial service airports must appear before County Commissions for budget approvals. Improves airport efficiency when it comes to purchasing of necessary goods and services. - (HB 1049) Boca Raton Airport Authority, Palm Beach County
A local bill that restructures and updates the charter for the Boca Raton Airport Authority Special District to concur with current law. - (HB 569) Pretrial Detention
Allows prosecuters to hold defendants, no bond when they make particular written threats. Expands the protection of victims in the case of written threats to kill, extortion, or stalking. - (HB 205) Tax Exemption for Charges for Private Investigations
Ensures families do not have to pay sales taxes on means to protect their loved ones via small business private investigators. Investigators in this field are an asset and support for police and have provided crucial help when it comes to sex trafficking cases.